Postcards on photography

Postcards on Photography questions the realm of traditional photography, photorealism & the reproduction. Comprising of internationally acclaimed artists  Jason Brooks, Chuck Close, Mark Fairnington, Andrew Grassie, Alex Hartley, Andrew Holmes, Malcolm Morley, John Salt & Paul Winstanley.

13 december 1998 – 7 february 1999

If the exhibition Postcards on Photography sets the scene for the death of photography, it is only so the publication can be there at the scene of the crime to get the first pictures.

For as sure as photography is now a museum art, its invicible/visible other, the photograph of art, the document, will continue to hound it. We are in the realm of tragicomedy, i which we see art photography accepting the role of the outmoded in the hope of thus being received by the noble academicians; hoping to meet a similar end to the one declared on painting with the arrival of photography. We brace ourselves for the unkin shock – art photography confronted by photographic reproduction revealed as the perpetual undead.

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